Find Your Next Star, Quickly & Confidently

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What is goingup?
Introducing the future of student recruitment – our revolutionary video-based recruiting tool! Say goodbye to traditional resumes and cover letters and hello to the power of personal connection. With our platform, students can effortlessly showcase their skills, personality, and passion through video based elevator pitches.
Recruiters, say farewell to sifting through stacks of paper; our platform streamlines the hiring process, providing you with a firsthand look at top talent. Experience a recruitment revolution that’s changing the game – join us today and discover your next star with confidence!
Our Team
Our team consists of highly skilled and experienced Recruiting & Digital professionals who are dedicated to helping businesses identify top talent quickly and confidently. We aim to streamline current student recruiting practices by creating an always-on digital recruiting platform that gives you the personal touch of in-person recruiting fairs.

Reinvent your Recruiting Strategy
Stop getting piles of resumes and waiting until the interview to get a sense of the candidates personality and passion